jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Classic! A great Sociologist

Well, today I´m going to right about a classic sociologist. I respect his work, and was the firth author that I liked. His name is Emile Durkheim, and all the science community of sociology field agrees that he is one of the greatest minds of our time.
He was born is France at 1858 and died in France too in 1917. During his career, he wrote a lot of book, articles, chronics and ethnographies. He found the first review about Sociology, with that he motivated too many intellectuals to know more about this new discipline.
His most important works are “The Rules of Sociological Method”, “The elementary forms of the Religious Life”, and “Division of Labor in Society”, or “The Suicide” for name a few. In “The Rules…”, he suggest a way to know the social facts; he said that social fact has to be studied like things. This phrase was, and still is, very polemical, but he gets things straight: social facts are NOT things, but have a cause and a consequence. For that reason, is so much better for us, sociologists, investigated it like things.
His theory about moderns’ societies is based on mechanic and organic solidarity: that is the difference between a traditional or modern society. He is one of “The fathers of Sociology”, and the only one of them who says that his work was Sociology!

PS: Here is a photo of Durkheim, and a photo of a puzzle!!! Why? Is the way I see organic solidarity… Maybe sociologist understands me! :P

3 comentarios:

  1. hi vicky! Durkheim was the first author that i liked too when we first came to university, its very interesting and for sure the is a father o sociology!

  2. Hi, i think Durkheim was cool for his time, but no longer, because he has the sin of being so mechanic on his explanations. In spite of that, he's obviouly a father of our glorious disclipline hahaha

  3. Hi!! When i read Durkheim for the first time, i really don't like him, but i thing it was prejudice. Last year y read The elementary forms of the Religious Life and i think my vision change.
