However, there are some skills that you should learn studying sociology. First, you must have “sociological imagination”, like Mills says. That is the skill of see a social reality and finds there some sociological problem. For other hand, you must have a skill to relate the ideas of different authors, so I believe that good memory can help you with that, but is not necessary; if you have it, some much better, but if you don`t, it´s Ok. Is not like studying art without knowing who to paint!
My University is providing to his students of these skills, but I think that develop the “sociological imagination” and the skill to relate ideas, are qualities that you can acquire with practice. With all the research that the career make you to do, and with all the courses of Sociological Theory, I think that the students developed all this skills.
For that reason, I don´t think that we need to change our course in my career. Well, obviously I´m interesting in particulars themes, like Sociology of Religion, for example, Latin American Sociology or Sadistic process. But in general, for the skills that I mentioned before, I think that we are very well.
I´m prepared to work? I don´t know actually! But I have a knowledge that I want to apply!